Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Warning Signs & Tips for Stroke Prevention

Warning Signs & Tips for Stroke Prevention

What is a stroke ?
Most strokes are caused by a blockage in an artery that carries blood to thebrain. This can cause that part of the brain to be damaged, and you may losecontrol of a function that is controlled by that part of the brain. Forexample, you could lose the use of an arm or leg, or the ability to speak.The damage can be temporary or permanent, partial or complete. Doctors havefound that if you get treatment right away after symptoms start, there is abetter chance of getting the blood moving to your brain, and less chance of damage.

How do I know if I'm having a stroke ?
If you have any of the following symptoms, call for emergency helpimmediately. The sooner you get help, the more doctors can do to preventfurther or permanent damage.
* Sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one side of thebody
* Sudden dimness or loss of vision, particularly in one eye
* Loss of speech, trouble talking or understanding what others are saying
* Sudden severe headache with no known cause
* Unexplained dizziness, unstable walking or falling, especially along withany of the other symptoms

Another warning sign of a stroke is called a transient ischemic attack(TIA). A TIA is a "mini-stroke" that can cause the symptoms listed aboveand may only last a few minutes, but should not be ignored. People who havea TIA are at greater risk of having a stroke later. Call your doctorimmediately if you think you are having a TIA.

Risk factors for a stroke
* Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
* Uncontrolled diabetes* High blood pressure
* High cholesterol level* Smoking
* Previous transient ischemic attack (TIA)
* Heart disease
* Carotid artery disease (the artery that carries blood to your brain)

How can I avoid having a stroke ?
Talk to your family doctor about your risk factors for a stroke and how toreduce your risk. Here are some other things you can do to avoid having astroke :
* If your blood pressure is high, follow your doctor's advice to control it.
* Avoid foods that are high in fat and cholesterol, and eat less sodium(salt), to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.
* If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar level under control.
* Limit how much alcohol you drink.
* Quit smoking. If you don't smoke, don't start.

Ask your doctor for advice on making these lifestyle changes, and askfriends and family for support. Regular checkups are important to findproblems that can increase your risk of having a stroke. Talk to your doctorabout whether taking aspirin in low doses would help reduce your risk ofstroke or TIA. Aspirin can help keep your blood from forming clots that caneventually block the arteries. (AAFP)


CHANDRA said...

Salam Kenal...
Ada artikel bahasa indonesia gak.... biar mudah dicerna....


nuansa said...

TIPS yang bagus.... klo boleh saya mmau share info nih... utk rekan2/sahabat yang memiliki kenalan/keluarga yang menderita stroke ringan/berat atau sedang mendarita sakit hanya untuk yang benar-benar membutuhkan.
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itsar said...

Nice article tapi kalo bisa yang bahasa indonesia dong mas...bisa kita tukeran link dengan web site saya www.informasi-obat.com ?


William said...

Good information about Stroke Prevention. To handle stroke people can also eat supplements. Information about good supplementation can be seen in www.amwayproductinfo.com. Thank you.

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Mrs. Rie said...

ikut sharing sedikit. aku penderita APS nih. kupas lebih jauh dong tentang efek samping konsumsi obat-obatan untuk pengencer darah. Mau sharing jg pengalaman pribadi nih, aku mengkonsumsi obat2an pengencer darah, tetapi hasil INR ku tidak pernah lebih dari 2. akhirnya aku coba dengan di terapi pijat dibarengi konsumsi obat2an dan akhirnya INR ku 2,3.Liat lebih jauh di www.blood-clinic.com
Coba deh konsultasi.konsultasi via tlp jg dilayani kalau mau nanya macem-macem

Mrs. Rie said...

ikut sharing sedikit. aku penderita APS nih. kupas lebih jauh dong tentang efek samping konsumsi obat-obatan untuk pengencer darah. Mau sharing jg pengalaman pribadi nih, aku mengkonsumsi obat2an pengencer darah, tetapi hasil INR ku tidak pernah lebih dari 2. akhirnya aku coba dengan di terapi pijat dibarengi konsumsi obat2an dan akhirnya INR ku 2,3.Liat lebih jauh di www.blood-clinic.com
Coba deh konsultasi.konsultasi via tlp jg dilayani kalau mau nanya macem-macem

Qimindra said...

salam kenal Pak....info yang menarik ....boleh aq link Pak..tulisan kita setopik

WildComp said...

Jika Anda Ingin Melihat versi Bahasa Indonesia, silahkan Kunjungi link berikut...

bellywij said...

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sarang walet
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sarang burung walet

Mhd Masykur said...

bagus infonya ni,,...

berguna untuk semuanya dalam menghindari dan memprotect diri dari stoke...

tukar2 link ya,,.. mudahan infonya akan semakin tersebar di masyarakat bahkan dunia sekalipun....

maju terus pakar kesehatan

Unknown said...

Salam kenal......
Artikelnya bagus dan sangat berguna
kunjungi juga artikelku ya di http://sweetspearls.com

Unknown said...

Artikelnya menarik, saya juga mempunyai info menarik seputar kesehatan dan sex, kunjuni http://sweetspearls.com

DARMADI said...

Artikel indonesia dunk bahasa na..biar mudah dpahami,gtu lho,thanks

Cibubur Farm said...

Nice article, tapi diterjemahkan dong, jadi gak ribet. Btw, nice ....

Anonymous said...

"Most strokes are caused by a blockage in an artery that carries blood to the brain."

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Anonymous said...

Good article.

Unknown said...


Ramesh said...


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makasi banyak...
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Unknown said...

good informasi....smg bermanfaat untuk yg baca

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Unknown said...

What a great article.
Alangkah lebih baik pakai bahasa negara kita aja (Indonesia)
Tapi emang sih, kalo mau dpt adsense pakenya bhs UK.

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mikael cen said...

great article, salam kenal, mampir ke blog aku ya kebetulan setopik juga :)


mikael cen said...

info yang sangat bermanfaat, izin sharing ya. terima kasih.
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Anonymous said...

good info. thanks


Muhammad Yusuf said...

Artikel'nya menarik ya...

Terima kasih sudah share pengetahuan... :)



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firmanwy said...

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firmanwy said...

good article... useful for us..

Unknown said...

artikelnya membantu gan , meski rada susah ngebacanya